Celebrate Lamb Day with 12 Lamb and Mint Sausages on us.

Lamb & Mint Sausages
With every online order $75 and over
For online orders only, offer ends February 18th.
We’re celebrating Lamb Week at Waipawa Butchery.
The official National Lamb Day might be February 15th, but we think this Kiwi favourite deserves a whole week of recognition, and to celebrate, we’re giving away 12 free Lamb and Mint Sausages with every online order over $75 to celebrate.
We are extremely proud of the lamb we produce from Patangata Station. 100% grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone-free, our female Suffolk-Texel ewes are incredibly succulent and adored by our lamb-loving customers. If you haven’t tried our Waipawa lamb, we’ve got plenty of inspiration below to tempt your tastebuds.
The official National Lamb Day might be February 15th, but we think this Kiwi favourite deserves a whole week of recognition, and to celebrate, we’re giving away 12 free Lamb and Mint Sausages with every online order over $75 to celebrate.
We are extremely proud of the lamb we produce from Patangata Station. 100% grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone-free, our female Suffolk-Texel ewes are incredibly succulent and adored by our lamb-loving customers. If you haven’t tried our Waipawa lamb, we’ve got plenty of inspiration below to tempt your tastebuds.
Serve up an Easy Carve Lamb Leg.
An easy & delicious roast to celebrate Lamb Day.
If you haven’t heard of an easy-carve lamb leg before, it’s a semi-boned lamb leg with the shank still on but the larger bone in the middle removed, which makes the lamb, you guessed it, nice and easy to carve. Our succulent Patangata Station Lamb doesn’t need much more than salt and pepper to enjoy, but if you want to spruce things up and make a meal of it, why not try this recipe (serves 6-8) on for size:
2.2kg easy carve lamb leg
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Vegetables for Roasting (potatoes, parsnips, carrots): 1.5kg potatoes, 6 parsnips, 6 carrots. Cut them all to relatively the same size to cook equally, halving your larger ones lengthways.
4 x Lemons cut into wedges
Cooking Instructions:
Remove your lamb from the fridge and let it come to room temperature.
Preheat your oven to 180C
Scatter half the rosemary over the lamb and season the meat with salt and pepper.
Par boil your roasted vegetables, add your potatoes and carrots to boiling salted water for five minutes, then add your parsnips and keep boiling everything for another four minutes.
Drain your vegetables, remove the parsnips and carrots, and fluff up your potatoes to make them extra crunchy.
Once cooled, toss your lemons and vegetables with the olive oil and remaining rosemary, season and put aside.
Roast your lamb for 1 hour 15 for rare, 1 hour 30 minutes for medium or 1 hour 45 minutes for well done.
Add your vegetables with the lamb after 30 minutes of cooking time.
Remove the lamb once cooked to your level of perfection, cover it loosely and rest for 15 minutes.
Carve and serve with your roasted vegetables, eat and celebrate Lamb Day!
A Marinade for Lamb Lovers.
A second serving of WBK Lamb & Feta Lasagne.
It seems you couldn’t get enough of our extra tasty WBK Lamb and Feta Lasagne. Since we are celebrating all things lamb this week, we decided to run this incredibly popular recipe for another week so you can have seconds.
A reminder locals! We deliver for $5 to:
Napier & Taradale / Havelock North / Hastings / Te Awanga
Otane/ Waipawa / Waipukurau
* town / city addresses only *
If you live in Hawke’s Bay with an RD address, you can collect from c/o The Strawberry Patch, 96, Havelock Road, Havelock North.
Our online shop is OPEN 24/7
How it Works

If you order via our website and live in Hawke’s Bay, you will still get the option for delivery or pick up from our Waipawa Butchery shop. If you’re elsewhere in New Zealand, we will pop your order on an overnight courier to any town or city addresses.
Remember when you purchase from Waipawa Butchery, you are buying true farm to plate quality100% grass fed meat.
Our Locations
72 High Street, Waipawa
Monday – Friday 8.00am – 5.30pm
Saturday 8.00am – 2.00pm

Make sure to get your orders in!
Kind regards
Annabel, Duncan and the WB team x